Sunday, August 10, 2014

Throughout history, trade routes at the creation of cities - cities apart from the subsequent field

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The growing mega polis food supply huge burden durham food trucks on the environment due to intensive agriculture and long-distance durham food trucks transport. The offsetting local agrikultúra already present in a number of cities - as well as the official városirányításban.
By the millennium, the Earth's urban population ratio reached a good 50% of the total population, while increasing numbers of more souls, vast metropolis of 10 million too. Cities food supply can only be solved by increasing the cost of environmental damage.
The megacities supplier trucks transported hundreds of kilometers away the goods, "fresh produce" is stored until a huge suburban houses refrigerator until it reaches the consumer.
The advanced, yet human scale in large cities, durham food trucks such as Scandinavia, durham food trucks initially started as a hobby in urban gardens cultivated. In the United States II. During the Second World War started, "Grow your own, Can you own" movement revived the spirit of the city jeans.
The inhabitants of the poorer cities began the forced kapálgatni abandoned lots and trying to megtermelni háztájit at least for the family. The former durham food trucks socialist cities like Budapest introduced the rural population often conjured up the kitchen garden estates or tenements zsebkendőnyi zöldterületeiből internal udvaraiból.
Throughout history, trade routes at the creation of cities - cities apart from the subsequent field - increasingly began to depend on the production of agricultural environment. The core function of most of the trade, public administration, education and culture was concentrated. Food supply routes were cut, the city, the residents of starving one of the primary aims of the attacker during the war. The first and the second world war, the city was forced countless times in conditions of self-sufficiency. So involved in the cultivation of the soil in the Berlin Tiergarten, where the trees during durham food trucks every single one carried away as fuel, Leningrad or public parks where káposztatermesztésbe began starving population.
North America, Japan and Europe in several cities in recent years, increasing emphasis on the creation durham food trucks of urban agrikultúra. The Kyoto Protocol, signed in 1997, has been strongly addresses the environmental impact of large-scale supply to large cities, especially in food and energy supply systems. Most of the city, serving large-scale intensive agricultural land and one of the largest water polluter, and last but not least, the greenhouse effect enhancer.
A well-controlled, high quality urban gardening primarily the delivery is achieved. At the same time - argue the urban farmers - in the production of less environmentally harmful side effects, better quality, fresher and therefore healthier fruits and vegetables may be the consumer's durham food trucks table, and to boost the local economy.
Earth's largest industrial food producing countries, the United States, more and more movement encourages the local cultivation and produced locally produced durham food trucks foods to buy. All these may be one - for the industrial production - reviving dead tradition, but we can keep it up to conscious far-sighted approach.
In any case, more metropolitan, and New York, Chicago, Philadelphia or Boston is greatly in favor of the city-farmers activities: to allow recovery of the producers there support with urban areas, tax relief help. California is extremely popular with the Farmers' durham food trucks Market's: Markets where only marketed in the fresh local produce.
Meanwhile, some futuristic ideas have been dreamed of vertical agricultural durham food trucks production. A large-scale model of the design such as roof gardens, a hundred years ago, a thirty-story greenhouses envision New York, which would be producible floors of the megalopolis full of cereal, fresh fruit and vegetable needs. Sky Farms, that greenhouse

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