Thursday, April 3, 2014

The original title London Orange, which besides orange shall also designate

Hello to all visitors of Orange Films, welcome. This blog was developed by Professor Marcio Araujo and C. Cardoso Mayke aiming to convey the true ideas and messages that are in the movies, and for that we use stories, sociological and psycho-Philosophical analysis for better understanding of the ideals, food cart usa reflections and messages of the films that can radically change our view of life.
Directed by Stanley Kubrick and starring Malcolm McDowell, A Clockwork Orange is a fable of social science fiction, produced in 1971. It is a thrilling and bombastic film, a bold translation of the dystopian novel by Anthony Burgess, where many thought food cart usa impossible to produce it for the movies.
Delinquent but clever, the hotshot Alex de Large is essential pleasures as pornography, food cart usa classic melodies of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and especially leadership food cart usa of his gang or clique, the "Droogs". food cart usa Characterized with white overalls and stylized black and wearing bowler hats briefs, developed frantic accesses caused by a drug called moloko, in order to indulge in ultra-violence. Their ways of fun always consisted with the tragedy of others. The transformation of Alex a spineless punk up a model citizen indoctrinated and around the rebel state, composes the shocking vision of the future that Stanley Kubrick prophesied.
After being arrested during one of his robberies and killing a woman with a blow struck by a phallic sculpture on her head, Alex undergoes an experimental treatment developed by the government in prison. The treatment involves a psychological punishment, where the young man is drugged before watching extremely violent movies with classical music as a soundtrack to the images that connect to the pain they cause. This treatment makes Alex becomes unable to perform any act of violence, and as a side effect, also can not listen to Beethoven's 9th Symphony, which was before their preferida.É a very violent, physically and psychologically movie, with its own language mix of slang of London football bleachers 50s with the Russian language, and period costumes, which makes it interesting. The gratuitous violence, assaults and rapes shocked by being made with a lot of "normality" and hold the attention of those who are watching, even more because it fits with what happens in our society, which in many cases are so often end up being pushed aside, as if people just wait for the next tragedy. Also portrays the government's action in prison, with an experimental treatment, showing that as violent as the delinquencies committed by the main character and his gang, to be something that takes away free will, which aims to change and control. After Alex is released, and society that considered violent, welcomes you with the same violence.
Making a sociological reading of the title of the film, Alex de Large is symbolically an orange (experiments and guinea pigs are the life and circumstances) mechanical (to demonstrate our mood swings, our affectations and planned actions as robots in the hands of those in power ).
The original title London Orange, which besides orange shall also designate "man." This is true for a pun with phonetic similarity with orange orangutan (orangutan, primate food cart usa highly developed, "parent" of man). Ie we have there, "Mechanical Man," which is what Alex becomes after conditioning, a being programmed without power of choice.
Another version would be that the term comes from an old expression "Cockney" I would call strange types (the expression was so queer as A Clockwork Orange -. Certain irony there to say something organic food cart usa may have mechanisms and gears Therefore, the expression resembles . the unusual, bizarre, or aggressive, food cart usa unbalanced, who hates institutions and beings, and therefore His parents abuse them cover all the stereotypes of the British working class: stupid, simple-minded, unambitious, spend their free time watching television or reading tabloids. The apartment is furnished with taste and poor relationship between themselves is caricatured. Already Alex's room is "stylish" and shows a taste for art. An explanation for the enduring appeal of "A Clockwork Orange" is the contemporary intellectual themes it deals with. Deliberate gratuitous violence, the state machine that criminals prefer to submit your lobotomy than allowing them the right to choose. Young people who use drugs pa

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