Saturday, July 5, 2014

No people on earth who would not have had in his literary legacy of the legend of the sea monster.

Every person at least once in your life in love. Even if you ask a child of kindergarten age, and then learn about his / her passion for whom - that. At school, girls often fall for teachers, boys - in girls. Well, in college, when hormones play and talk necheg andersen trolley ...
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Typically, early child understands that money - a source of well-being of the family. However, the question of where they come from, remains open. Children do not understand why parents can not buy them a toy, led to the zoo or bowling place every day and twice a year to go to the sea ...
Let us remember Bjorn Erik, who believes that one person at the same time there is a parent, child and adult. Our attitude to each person formed the basis of the relationship of these three witnesses of human rights. Consider an example. At the beginning of courtship ... most enemies and monsters of the deep sea
No people on earth who would not have had in his literary legacy of the legend of the sea monster. Is that this nation has never seen the vast expanses of water, stretching from horizon to horizon, andersen trolley was not traveling on leaky boats over bottomless ocean basins.
Sea monsters in a variety of myths presented andersen trolley in Chinese, Egyptians, Babylonians. We can recall the Biblical Leviathan, whom Isaiah (Chapter 27) calls "the curving snake" and "sea monster." His description is quite the same as the more modern tales of giant sea serpents rising from the waves above the masts of the ship. Different way of sea monsters details andersen trolley registered at the ancient Greek poet Homer in his immortal work travelogue Odyssey. Think of Scylla and Charybdis, was watching the sailors in the narrow strait. If Charybdis, swallowing seawater, rather like a giant whirlpool, the six-headed Scylla and dvenadtsatirukaya almost andersen trolley an exact copy of the murderous Kraken Norwegian legends. According to the myth, the kraken, giant squid, was able to reach the ship and powerful tentacles, crushing it like a nut, drag in the water.
In the old sea legends found the most fantastic characters. This giant jellyfish that can crawl on the ship and kill the crew touch the poisonous tentacles and giant crabs, snacking unwary swimmer in one motion claws and a huge octopus, deep-sea dragons, and other creatures.
Are there any of these literary images real prototypes? Either they are easy enough figment of the imagination of the authors, artistic exaggeration? Researchers do not know the answer to this question. Disputants agree only on one thing: the deep sea and the truth may be inhabited by giant creatures also unknown. And there is a lot of evidence.
Famous Norwegian explorer and scientist Thor Heyerdahl conceived sail across the Pacific on balsa raft "Kon-Tiki", as, in his opinion, did the ancient Indians of South America. Coming Sailing 4300 more miles, the crew of "Kon-Tiki" I saw a lot of mystery.
Here is a small excerpt from the memoirs of Thor Heyerdahl, which can serve as strong evidence that the unknown sea giants really exist! Thor Heyerdahl wrote: "One cloudy night, about two hours when the steering hardly different from the black water as black sky, he noticed a faint glow under water, which gradually took shape of an animal. Whether glowing plankton in contact with an animal, or a monster phosphorescence. Anyway, ghostly creature is constantly changing its shape. It was circular, oval then, the triangular then abruptly split into two parts which are independently buddies floated to and fro under the raft. Already at the end of three huge luminous ghosts slowly circling beneath us. It had some incredible monster, one torso hit

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