Sunday, July 6, 2014

The fact that it does not answer the question, but only forwards it to the next level. Suppose that

"We, the Ukrainian revolutionaries and rebels ..." (West Ukrainian bourgeois revolution of the 1940s) "KOMUNA.ORG.UA
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"... Ukrainian national - liberation movement has always strongly emphasized and stressed that it was opposed to the resumption of the old feudal - the capitalist system in the future Ukrainian state. Ukrainian national liberation - the revolutionary movement has always strongly emphasized that it is - for the elimination of large landed property, for the nationalization of industry, trade, banks, for the creation food van of a new social order, which actually disappear exploitation of man by man. "(16, p. 155 ).
"Bolshevik liars trying to introduce us to the Soviet masses as advocates" kulaks "and" bourgeois ". This despicable lie. We have nothing to do with these classes or in terms of the objectives of our struggle, either in terms of social origin and class members of our movement. We have been struggling food van to build a classless society. We return to the Ukraine against the landlords and capitalists. We are for the destruction of Ukraine of a new exploiting, parasitic class Bolshevik nobles food van consisting of Verhovodov party, MVD and the MGB, the administration and the army. We are for public ownership of the means of production. "(25, ss. 16 - 17).
Not a classless society, not build communism in the Soviet Union, the Bolsheviks, and a new exploitative social system ... not "happy" and "happy" life Bolsheviks gave workers the former tsarist Russia, and a new servitude, the new slavery, social oppression food van and economic exploitation. Bolsheviks put workers of the Soviet Union in the position of ancient slaves.
We, the children of the working people, we can not fight against this policy of the Bolsheviks as well as could not fight against the oppression of the landlords and capitalists advanced workers in Tsarist Russia. Protect the interests of farmers, workers, working intellectuals to fight for their social emancipation - consider it a sacred duty. "(25, ss. 21, 23).
"Ukrainian food van national - liberation movement", "Ukrainian revolutionaries and rebels" who consider it a sacred duty to fight for social emancipation of peasants, workers and intellectuals, for the building of a classless society, food van for public ownership of the means of production for advanced ideals of the great revolution of 1917 . - This is the "Bandera", the former is usually the object food van of deep-rooted hatred, unthinking delight stupidly - official praise and very rarely - understanding.
"Fascist spies", "ferocious fanatics" and "murderers" for the rebels to the workers of the Soviet Union were not ancient slaves. "Bourgeois nationalists" renounce the relationship with landlords and kulaks classes, fighting against a new exploitative social system, for a classless society in which the exploitation of man by man disappears. Who they are, "Bandera"?
To answer this question it is necessary first of all to avoid two opposite errors. The first of them is to just take a word, not caring of how, by whom, when and under what circumstances, the word was said, and what sense to invest in it. The second, on the contrary, is to consider these words and slogans are merely a means of deception silly - the gullible masses, which will not interfere with "Banderovites remain agents of the German capital" (4, p. 41), as erroneously wrote 10 years ago, one of my friends that formed later GPRK not occupy a special study of the issue and take it on faith statements SSSRovskoy propaganda.
The fact that it does not answer the question, but only forwards it to the next level. Suppose that for "Banderivtsy" slogans classless society and the fight against the exploitative system were really just a means to deceive the masses food van and manipulate them. Then a new question arises: why the masses, marching for "Bandera", could have been deceived by such slogans is a classless society, destruction of public property and the exploitation of man by man, not the slogans of "free enterprise" and "market competition"? And is not such a contrast is good, gullible and stupid food van masses manipulated ringleader same nonsense, as opposed to the revolution in 1917. masses and Bolshevik leaders deceived them (the sin themselves food van Bandera) - as if the Bolsheviks were not in 1917. part of the masses, food van and as a great historical tragedy can be reduced to seducing foolish virgins cunning food van lecher!
In most eras people more honest than they think of themselves. Transformation of ideals (ie, converted to head representations about common interests of public g

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