Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wowwww BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE THAT MEETS THE WEB !!! But have you ever tried to work seriously sometimes

The small-big racket bancarellari. Their violence. Their arrogance decades. Their oppression. Their stealing public land in exchange for returning only degradation is going to end. And, again, cinema in malaysia we must say thanks to Europe. cinema in malaysia Of "Bolkestein directive" you have heard a lot about, but to understand what it is you should read this article in Il Tempo. With such statements, at the bottom, a politician without cinema in malaysia shame. We begin to trick your hands and stay alert. From next year it can change everything and now the process is unstoppable. Think that dream stalls run by renowned companies, with quality products, with a design acceptable. Truck-bar that finally are paraded in gypsy clan and put on the market, to the highest bidder. Conquered by large catering company, say Burger cinema in malaysia King, Autogrill, Starbucks. And maybe someone took some upscale restaurant. A dream is going to come true. And this government will not stop a directive that all European citizens have adopted. Indeed, indeed, has it advanced by two years. It is not, of course, cinema in malaysia only an economic problem, and competition (however this will unlock a lot of growth and jobs by real scare but today there is only black, evasion and illegal immigration), but it is also a matter of decorum. Today cities like Rome are transfigured by mafiette that oversee, undisturbed, in this huge business that just yesterday we counted spannometricamente. cinema in malaysia 70 thousand euro to buy the license? Well, considering that the stalls raking in 300 thousand euro per year and whereas the concessions are 10 years I would say that the street cinema in malaysia vendors who have expressed the other day in his underwear (in fact a political blog on is nicknamed Er Mutanda) have a grievance. We complain that we, we see transformed the most beautiful areas of our cities in tents underpants, precisely. And it falls into the usual bullshit of jobs: those will remain constant or rise when, in a year, the industry finally become a true economic sector, not a pond putrid where wallow for decades characters of the lowest level. We'll make it! After the chaos-taxi drivers, now they are the protagonists of the protest. With pickup trucks, banners and megaphones turned out in the streets to demand the abolition of the law Bolkestein, what they call 'the Directive kills walking. " After a rally at the Circus Maximus, the two hundred have then shouted his own opinions even under Palazzo Montecitorio. But what is the law Bolkestein? In 2006 the Council and the European Parliament have launched this legal text on services in the internal market. The text intervene in the concessions given to those who have a tour, it's clothes or both of fruit does not change anything, cinema in malaysia and said that every ten years will no longer be automatically renewed but will return back to the municipalities that will reassign those licenses to the highest bidder with a public cinema in malaysia auction in which will participate, for the first time, cooperatives and companies Capital. Damage to the peddlers Italian (always with different rules than their other European states). The operators, in fact, paid for these concessions from 70 to 120 thousand euro, making great sacrifices and would find themselves with absolutely nothing. Not only. The Bolkestein had to be operational in 2015, but because of Article 34 of the liberalization decree was anticipated the return cinema in malaysia of the concessions to 2013. In short, an entire category is likely to end up upside cinema in malaysia down. "I'm with the traders walking - says Councillor cinema in malaysia Jordan Tredicine the PDL -. I will submit their demands in commission cinema in malaysia trade. You can not jeopardize their jobs more than twenty thousand workers. "
It COME IN EUROPE, from which this incompetent junta ruling the city we went out, just look at what the state are reduced dostre streets where even the more you respect the most basic rules of the Highway Code, Just bad business, just total profit. At the expense of the citizens, just decay, just crime on our roads: better living standards and REAL jobs within the law with the right tax. We gain all, and has only to lose those degradation made source of financial gain. January 25, 2012 3:24 PM Alessandro said ...
Bolkestein or pippestein me nummenefregagniente. I want it on my street. I want to walk around the house without'm sick of stalls everywhere. Another strike in that pant. before oppoi load salt and do carnage !!!! ridatece roma, ridatece our streets !!!! eccheccaiser January 25, 2012 6:40 PM Anonymous said ...
Wowwww BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE THAT MEETS THE WEB !!! But have you ever tried to work seriously sometimes in life? I think not !! Certainly

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