Saturday, October 19, 2013

In a statement on 30 December, the deputy commander Marcos, said

Zapatistas, the art of constructing a new life | OP
When stopped media community interest zapatist appear unto many believed food trucks seattle that stopped Zapatista resistance. Slowly away attention and cameras, and they added to their autonomous structures reinforced to the point that now we can talk about a new society governed by rules, codes, and laws that differ from those that we know.
With a gjashtëvjeçari food trucks seattle shtatlartësinë, Carlos Manuel takes arms around his father's waist as if never wanted to leave. Ceiling looks and laughs. Julian of his father, tends to be released. The son finally delivered but continues to stand by. Irma, eight-year-old sister, you see from the corner of the kitchen, where his mother, Esther, of, cooks on a wood stove of corn tortilla that continue to be the staple food of rural families. Three other children, food trucks seattle including the greatest of them, 16-year-old Francisco-n, observe the scene of repeated during meals like a ritual.
Kitchen is the place of conversations, which lie quiet as smoke rises from the roof of zinc. Words are saved and delicious food like beans, corn, coffee, bananas and some vegetables, all crops without chemicals, harvested and processed by hand. Chickens raised in another village flavor, just like any other food in the community tojolabal [i].
With over food dishes and washes food trucks seattle each of his dishes, including the father who occasionally helps in the preparation of food. I wonder if this is normal and answers those parts that is custom Zapatista communities, but not those of "bad food trucks seattle governance", that call without sarcasm at PRI brothers nationalists [ii]. These communities, those who keep up with red star on black background, and get good food from the government, which he builds houses with brick and cement floors.
Throughout food trucks seattle the week did not show even the slightest sign of aggression in the family. Even gestures rebuke or bad humor. With CDUK, prohibition of smoking food trucks seattle and alcohol consumption mitigates human relations. Women are mostly those who rejoice changes. "The Zapatistas discern the way they stand, especially women," says journalist Hermann Bellinghausen.
This new chapter in the history of the Zapatistas began on 21 December 2012, the day marked by the global media as the end of the world, but for maya-t signifies the start of a new era. Tens of thousands of supporters of the EZLN (Zapatista National Liberation Army) were collected in the five-caracol [iii] in Chiapas, the same that won the first uprising in January 1994. The resurgence of community zapatist shook much of Mexican society. Not only were missing, but they were back with more force, showing that they were able to mobilize a significant food trucks seattle number of people in military food trucks seattle formations, though not armed. food trucks seattle
In a statement on 30 December, the deputy commander Marcos, said "over the years we have become stronger and have significantly improved our living conditions. Our level of living is also higher than the indigenous communities associated with the next government, receiving alms from them and abused alcohol and unnecessary items. " Otherwise further adds that these communities related mainly to the PRI party, the Zapatista women they were not sold as merchandise. Moreover, the PRI natives food trucks seattle themselves nationalists use hospitals, clinics and laboratories as they state Zapatista communities have no medicine, no equipment, no qualified doctors and staff.
Much of what is mentioned above was confirmed by those who were given the opportunity to attend school the first Zapatista (Zapatista Little School or Escuelita) on August 12 to 16 this year. I selected only the journey companion zapatist, which means taking some changes in relationships with friends outside their communities. "From now on, our word will be selective about its destinations, and except in special cases, can be understood only by those who have traveled and will travel with us, without succumbing to media conjectures", read in press.
The deputy-Marcos continues that "very few will have the privilege" to recognize the new form of doing politics. In a series of statements called "We and They" emphasize the distinction between culture and system of politicians' bottom Zapatista culture ", pointing out that their proposal food trucks seattle does not consist of a large organization with a central government, centralized direction and a president, whether individual or group positioned as an arbitrator.
Zapatistas noted that unity in the act should respect the diversity in forms of doing: "Any attempt food trucks seattle to homogeneity is nothing more than a fascist attempt to dominate, hiding behind the revolutionary language, esoteric, religious or

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