Saturday, October 12, 2013

The experts distinguish three disorders. The victims starving as Lea (anorexia), have compulsive ea

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Approximately 50 calories allowing himself Lea * still day. 50 calories, food trucks melbourne for example, stuck in a small apple or half a banana. At the same time they tried to burn with sports several times more energy. "My goal was to get below zero calories moderately," she says. Two years ago today, the sick 17-year-old from Zurich to anorexia. You have not even realized long as it is slid deeper and deeper into the disease. There was only one thought: "The main thing, I do not eat. The main thing, I guess not. The main thing, the scale shows less of tomorrow, food trucks melbourne "she says, sitting in the corner of the sofa, stroking the short hair again from her face and pulling the knees to the body.
Lea is not an isolated case. In a European comparison eating disorders are often above average in Switzerland. 3.5 percent of the population suffer or suffered from it. For women, the value of 5.3 percent is significantly higher than for men at 1.5 percent. food trucks melbourne This shows the new study "Prevalence of eating disorders in Switzerland", in which a team from the University of Zurich has studied for the first time on behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health, as eating disorders are widespread in Switzerland. The researchers have 10'038 people interviewed on the phone about their eating.
The experts distinguish three disorders. The victims starving as Lea (anorexia), have compulsive eating followed by vomiting (bulimia) or torturing yourself food trucks melbourne with binge eating (binge eating disorder). For comparison: In Germany and the Netherlands, only 1 to 2 percent of the population have eating disorders, the European average is 2.5 percent. In France, Belgium and Italy, the figures are similar to those in Switzerland, the Swiss study is the most comprehensive food trucks melbourne and therefore most meaningful. Especially Bulimia is often above average in Switzerland. With a share of 1.7 percent, Switzerland is well above the European average of 0.5 per cent and the U.S. by 1 percent.
Why the numbers in Switzerland are high, the study does not say. And even the experts have no clear explanation for it. At the same time, the Swiss are among the slimmest people. Only just five per cent of eleven year olds have in this country, according to a new WHO study obesity, versus 30 percent in Portugal, 20 for example, or in the USA.
Anorexia ends in about a vo

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