Sunday, October 20, 2013

On 22 May 1984 political prisoners in the camp appalling Qafëbarit rose in revolt, repeating what h

The revolt of prisoners, Excerpts from the book "The streets of hell" Visar writer Zhiti | Metropolis Newspaper
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On 22 May 1984 political prisoners in the camp appalling Qafëbarit rose in revolt, repeating what had happened more than a decade ago in Spaç, on the same date, in the same month, which broke outbursts and was raised the same demand of the desire for freedom, which were suppressed with violence and blood alike. food trucks san antonio In addition to ridënuarit and other pushkatuarit were always young ..
Two revolt, the only all prisons in communist empire, which make cross country, historical memory, recognizing the roots of democracy, food trucks san antonio which showed that the Albanians opposed the evil at its peak, even with a European dream.
In her memory, as an experience and as tragic as imposing as high a moral lesson, collective emblem of opposition, we give excerpts from works "Hell slot", where the writer Visar Zhiti political prisoner in the Qafëbari time, a witness described as anger, food trucks san antonio fear, violence and macabre absurdity of it.
Started food trucks san antonio morning ... a day without a name. Although unnamed, May 22 and was called "the day of revolt Qafëbarit prisoners? Well, because the days are too alike in jail as prison uniforms, food trucks san antonio striped, so days, nights as black police uniforms. Within the barbed wire had seemed food trucks san antonio weary saints and devils distracted.
Brigades night shifts third of prisoners had returned from work, had to wait 2-3 hours walk and s'jepej order to go to barracks. Half asleep standing up. Based on the wall, the shock, the stairs to the wire. Black bruises around the face, or by the unwashed, you see the horror of the dream piece.
"What happened, why do we keep?" - "Two NDUE, Pine and Nicholas have not realized rate." - "Why?" - "There was material and do not want to go back to mine, I oppose." They had eroded material with a shovel. "Nothing Designation of waste, mineral grain s'lam, the floor looks like we hiding, no more, turned earth." - "No, - police shouted, - must go! Order of command. Still in the first ndërresën "-" We should not go back - insisted the prisoners. - We are tired, want to sleep, we die. "-" Unwanted content to die without leaving rate. "-" At dinner again. "-" No, now! "-" No material taken sir, it was not our fault. "-" Whose Yes, ours? "- shouted cops. "But of what? Yours! "- Turned their prisoners.
Bamb an iron. Rung skull? With an iron Spaç revolt began, grabbed a prisoner and came out of the dungeons. What struck çangës to collect all the cafeteria. Çangën tore the eyes, as if I had never seen a ball hanging shell. Is empty or no explosive inside may explode when, when? Why does it close? Do not want to beat in the presence of all those opposed? "I put it up, will respond - someone muttered to myself. - Ready are. What would make later do now ... "He shook hooked. To be truly established parties in jail? As ... stone ... ly ... What would we do later, rebellion? food trucks san antonio Death, death! Yes mounted police. Invasions their often black as we saw recently. Continue our introduction food trucks san antonio to one of a cafeteria. A quagmire as set up in the sky. What the hell, dried, filled with skeletons of prisoners. As the rain will fall on the dusty bones, bones will fall from above, lightning aging, skulls ...
Siprinën elbows propped on the table long runway, food trucks san antonio still pafshirë, bread crumb view shifts, molten food trucks san antonio liquids, bone pieces. Even other tables as well. Large flies, black wandered with no annoying humming. food trucks san antonio Rather, we nanuritnin attention from what was going to happen and nobody knew what it was. It is enough that we are together, all.
About 10-15 policemen food trucks san antonio were introduced. It was spread on top. Then he put more police officers with other prisoners food trucks san antonio in his hands handcuffed or tied with wire, wearing rags work, their faces blackened as s'njiheshin. They ...
"Ce do not rate battle (j) uve, doomed? W., ce? Ce open us work without work, or uve never got comfortable lounge ass? With uve speak. Here you keep working and not istorira. In the gallery, marrsh, who hear the name! Scoundrels, food trucks san antonio pisa! "
"Pisa's mother sat" - muttered a voice behind me. Voice of fall wind guard officer kidney army, burned, mixed with lard and stupid communist partisanship. "Ce, huh?" - Ask, without having to mind the question. Had to pull the nail rusted planes, they ngjirnin "ce" of his filthy. Pu, the little dictionary! Most banal with dialect words

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