Thursday, October 3, 2013

Many reports on the judgment of the Supreme Court are misleading. Spiegel Online writes:

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Buyers of used cars with warranty often also entitled to reimbursement of repair costs if it were not for inspection. This was decided by the Federal Court. Many other media reports, however, the verdict: Car owners may be making inspections in free workshops. But that's not the point. explains the legal situation. Dispute over engine repair
This is the case, the Supreme Court had to decide: The plaintiff later bought a used car with a one year warranty good for 10 000 euros. Guarantor was the CG Car Warranty Insurance. Condition for benefits, according Garantiebedigungen: "that the buyer / beneficiary of the guarantee (...) can be performed on the vehicle, the prescribed or recommended by the manufacturer, maintenance, inspection and maintenance services to the seller / guarantor or at an authorized manufacturer workshop". The buyer was to make all inspections, but the last in a free workshop. Eight months after buying the car with engine trouble lay. The oil pump had failed. The repair sandakan cinema cost was around 3500 euros. Exclusion no effect
The Federal Court ruled: It is a paid warranty. Therefore, the warranty terms must be fair. Manufacturer warranties for free, as they often are when buying a new car, this is not true. They appear as a voluntary benefit, sandakan cinema the conditions and extent of the manufacturer may freely given. That is not paid with guarantees. Each performance is always excluded when car owners have skipped inspections is unfair, the judge found at the Federal Court. Is only permissible to exclude the acquisition of repair costs for damage actually based on faulty sandakan cinema maintenance. Far-reaching consequences
Following the judgment: sandakan cinema buyers of used cars with warranty and unlimited inspection requirement are off the hook. You are entitled to reimbursement of the repair costs - regardless of whether they were ever for inspection. Since the clause is ineffective overall, this claim is, even if a loss is actually due to lack of maintenance. The currently accessible over the Internet for some workshops Used Car Warranty Car Warranty conditions included one and all from the Supreme Court held to be invalid inspection duty. On request of confirmed car warranty authorized officer Klaus Herzog, the company that used to be the conditions noted by the Supreme Court. Media in error
Many reports on the judgment of the Supreme Court are misleading. Spiegel Online writes: "used car warranty also applies to maintenance in free workshop". Whether inspections of contract or independent garages are made, but only plays a role if the warranty sandakan cinema provider to change their conditions. In plain English: Provisional car buyers have with used car warranty also entitled to reimbursement of the repair costs if it were not for inspections. Guarantee insurer sandakan cinema will probably like Car Warranty soon change their conditions. Then, indeed, the question sandakan cinema arises whether they may not require inspections at authorized workshops or have to content themselves with the often cheaper labor free company. With this question, the Bundesgerichtshof has certainly not yet employed.
Recognize, protesting, renovation Baupfusch 24.90
03.10.2013 Stiftung sandakan cinema Warentest. All rights reserved.

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