Saturday, October 26, 2013

It is undoubtedly true that it virtually destroyed the communist round table santa rosa regime elit

Gege, Toska and peasants | Landscapes speech
Was the period of totalitarian rule in Albania and the North from the South or from Tosks gegs? Is there a basis to say, as I hear, that economic backwardness, social and cultural round table santa rosa life of Northern round table santa rosa Albania round table santa rosa owes indifference or contempt round table santa rosa of those areas of Tosk who had the power elites in Tirana, during a half century of communism?
This has long mem circulating among Albanians, especially in Internet forums, but now is starting to head out in the pages of newspapers conventional, conventional authors in writing, which is, I believe, reason to worry.
In their eyes, the North was suspicious because there was almost fighting against Italian and German occupiers, because they had embraced the communist ideology, because it does not accept the settled culture and history round table santa rosa created by intellectuals in northern Albania with Shkodra as the center. When the dictatorship round table santa rosa fell, thousands of northern Albanian came to Tirana, built huts on the outskirts of the center of the capital, became absolute freedom absolute misuse. It was a kind of revenge against the communist round table santa rosa terror and contempt. A revenge at the wrong time and with fatal consequences. Not only because of the behavior of the North Albanians Tirana citizens, not the least of them also settlers from the south, began to be labeled as "Chechen".
It is undoubtedly true that it virtually destroyed the communist round table santa rosa regime elites northern Albania, heads, Baryaktars and priests on the pretext that they had collaborated with the occupier round table santa rosa (Italian and German), or had refused to accept the leadership of the National Liberation Front. This class struggle, often bloody, sometimes flared round table santa rosa from village to village, tribe and family he left intact and shed the blood of Northern worse.
Equally true is that the communist regime did its best to destroy social structures in northern round table santa rosa Albania, on behalf of the fight against patriarchy and conservatism, but could not reach to replace round table santa rosa with something equivalent.
But I do not believe round table santa rosa that the blame for the backwardness of the North of Albania today can be left hooked communism, as I do not believe that the regime of Tirana, in itself, intended to leave the underdeveloped north of speechless.
The argument that political and cultural elites in Tirana were mostly originating Tosk, so do not want North development is a sign of passive-aggressive type, bore deeply provincial minds.
There is no doubt that the political and cultural elites in Tirana were mostly originating Tosk, but all these elite regarded Albania as their property, as the estate of their own, which could do whatever they wanted.
Therefore, it is more likely that the backwardness of the North of Albania today is inherited from a very early time that communism, especially since the northern and highland areas, have traditionally round table santa rosa been disadvantaged, isolated and captured pawn structures that provide survival.
When I say very early time, I mean the Ottoman period, when the northern highland round table santa rosa he had gotten some autonomy, round table santa rosa but with the high price of isolation from the field. round table santa rosa Ghegs northern Albania did not recognize him and openness to the world economic and cultural development Toskëria introduced during the nineteenth century, as a consequence of immigration.
In the twentieth century, the main factor that prevented the economic, social round table santa rosa and cultural development of the North was the mutilation round table santa rosa of Albanian territories after 1912, and the rest of Kosovo outside the new Albanian state, which was associated with disruption of human communication round table santa rosa and goods, cultural exchanges and national consciousness as practical round table santa rosa consciousness (beyond identification with the flag).
Another factor that contributed to this was the lack pellgëzim cities, with the exception of Shkodra, Albania remained round table santa rosa without Northern cities, which serve as cultural reference round table santa rosa points, but as the center of commercial development, industrial and education. This situation, in one form or another, continues to this day.
However, the Catholic Shkodra years 1920-1944 round table santa rosa witnessed a unprecedented cultural development, which remains admirable for the depth and diversity of contributions. round table santa rosa The communist regime came to destroy the culture and tradition, and it spread institutions, prisoners interned shot exponents and stigmatized as hostile Catholic who served as nënshtrat. The main reason for this was forbidding, I believe, sworn enmity of the Catholic communism, not communists with Ghegs tosks Catholics.
But the splendor of Catholic Shkodra and its products should not be confused with cultural backwardness gheg North, and especially the northeastern areas of Albania, Shkodra who receive very little - to an occasional priest or teacher. round table santa rosa Before 1944, economic and social situation of those areas was very poor in many respects, and rays

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