Monday, December 23, 2013

Diseases of the man known as

Comfort occurs in people within the values of relative humidity φ = 40 ... 60% (in combination with other conditions). At the same time creates optimal food carts conditions for health. The standard pattern (Fig. 1) the impact of humidity on the growth of viruses and bacteria, various fungi and mites, creating conditions food carts of respiratory and other human diseases, illustrates the need to maintain a specified range f. It is also well known that prolonged exposure of man in conditions of low relative humidity (φ <20%) had an adverse effect on the mucous membranes, decreased immunity and so on.
This information convinces us that technology dehumidification and humidification required not only by the requirements of industrial production (technological UPC), but also to maintain the required air parameters in solving the problem of year-round comfort conditioning.
It should be mentioned that during the last two decades emerged and by 2004 dominated the cautious attitude to the processes humidification (evaporative cooling) air at all, and reversible water in particular, due to the number of cases of severe disease in humans infected with legionella stick through the UPC. The reverse contaminated water has been identified as possible sources of bacteria that are dangerous to human health. In this context become more stringent requirements on the purity of the water used for air treatment. Thus oznachylasya trend away from working cycle and transfer apparatus for power mode with fresh running water quality.
Diseases of the man known as "legionnaires disease (Legionnaire's disease, LD), is due to bacterial infection Legionella pneumophila (from the Greek. Pneumo-lung, and philos-like) and causes pneumonia in severe form. Legionella pneumophila - the most dangerous kind of bacteria I_ediopeIIa (because it happens 90% of the diseases associated with bacteria of the genus). Reed has 40 types of legionella bacteria, half of which is capable of adversely affect human health. In the U.S., for example, according to the Center for Disease Control, CDC, each year fall ill from Legionella pneumophila 10000 ... 40000 persons (5 ... 15% of all cases of pneumonia) with fatal - 10 ... 19% in sporadic (isolated) cases and 5 to 30% - when the epidemic. Below the lower limit of mortality in outbreaks explained establishing the correct diagnosis at an earlier stage (recognition of legionellosis rather complicated process). In severe cases of the disease, requiring the use of respirators and dialysis, the mortality rate can reach 67%. Often ill people over 50 who smoke with weakened immune systems.
The open water system cooling towers, evaporative condensers, spray vodooholodzhu-vibrational pools with reversible food carts high water temperature, and decorative fountains with warm water heated in summer sunny day (Fig. 2), ideal for the rapid growth food carts of these bacteria. Since the flow of air into the water through food carts a variety of organic material: insects, leaves, sawdust, etc.. Organic accumulates in the water tanks of vehicles in a biological food carts film and serves as a breeding ground for microorganisms, protozoa saprophytes food carts (eg amoebae), and they are eating legionella (Fig. 3).
If the product gets into the human body legionella destroy phagocytes (phagocytic, Greek. Phagos - devouring) - cells that absorb and kill pathogens, ie legionella undermine the human immune system.
The process of human infection occurs aerogenic (airborne and airborne dust) through (fig. 6, 7). The transition of bacteria from water in the air is only possible with the drop size. Favorable size (diameter) drops - 2 ... 10 2 microns. In this case, they are large enough to carry the bacteria, and small enough to stay in the air in suspension. If the drop is less than 5 microns, they reach the alveoli food carts of the lungs of man. Large droplets are deposited in the trachea (Fig. 6).
The study of air quality after wetting it in the film Evaporating type conducted for 8 days in contaminated water and the presence in it of controlled numbers of bacteria found no transfer of bacteria in the air.
The name "Legionnaires' disease" was recorded in July after a 1976 outbreak food carts of severe illness, which covered 221 individuals participating food carts in the congress of the American Legion and their families (34 died) about the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the American Independence Day, which was held in Philadelphia . Finding the source of infection has led to the UPC hotel "Bellevue Stratford" that hosted the congress.
In 1977, Mc Dade and Shepard et al isolated from lung tissue of people who died from the disease, a previously unknown bacterium food carts Legionella pneumophilla food carts and proved its etiologic role (BMЭ, Vol 12, Moscow: Sovetskaya En-tsyklopedyya, 1980). D

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