Tuesday, December 3, 2013

In the end I managed to set up a list of šezdesetdva city in which there were children

Dave Marson: Decius Strike of 1911 | gerusija
Glossy pamphlet Dave Marson out in 1973. on a little-known mass Escapes students in the UK and Ireland during the 1911th, the same year they performed widespread industrial unrest gsc malaysia and strikes. gsc malaysia In their demands included the shortening of hours and the abolition of corporal punishment in the form of rods and straps.
As Dave Marson shows for kids strikes from 1911. representing part of a huge upheaval workers during a long, hot summer 1911th The industrial unrest often read: school strikes are personal discovery Dave Marson. He stumbled gsc malaysia on them by accident, while researching the history of their own community, docker from Hala. He has followed the movement gsc malaysia of strikes across the country, gsc malaysia and laid them at the same time in the context of both community and school. The school situation that he describes is not in any way gone: neither disappeared difficulties of organizing gsc malaysia resistance. The writer is employed docker, which is 1970 - 1972 was a student terminated.
For pediatric gsc malaysia strikes gsc malaysia from 1911 I stumbled gsc malaysia by coincidence. I researched port strike from Hall during the 1911th Halske and read newspapers from that year, when I noticed a small paragraph in connection with the strike halskih pupils that took place in September 1911th It seemed to me that this is just about an interesting, gsc malaysia illustration scope of industrial unrest gsc malaysia that occurred at that time. However, what I first caught the eye is the story of a policeman who climbed on the bike and began to assault the young strikers who formed a line in front of the school strike. I have a sight of blue uniforms was frightening enough to scare me and my young classmates.
What has caused me to question the deeper thing was one line in the report that the mention of that Halske boys froze example children from Vest Rajding Yorkshire. Then I was reading one another Halske newspaper, found the front page - with photos and stories about the strike. In these newspapers were listed all the different classes of workers who participated in the strike Halske during this hot summer - cement workers - girls from the factory - sailors and docker, a children 's strike is presented in close connection with them. This picture really touched me - pictures of children who occupying the gates of a primary gsc malaysia school in the street Kourtney, the same school that I attended. I identify with these strikers - some of them could be the parents of children with whom I went to school.
When I looked at the Times, I discovered that for kids strikes are taking place only in Yorkshire but throughout the entire country. At first I could not believe it - how could this happen so fast in the whole country - I always thought that strikes something that should gsc malaysia be organized. I had the feeling that these children had a lot to tell us. I did not play much the place to be affected by this, until I started to read newspapers from meat Kolindela. They recited a lot more places, than it is Times published.
In Kolindela I stumbled across the first difficulty. A multitude of meat newspapers from 1911. destroyed during World War II. As I looked at the catalog, I kept naletao the entire ranks of various meat newspaper with the note "missing in 1911." It seemed that the 1911th only year that has gone so wrong. However, even from the few papers that remained, it was possible to assemble the geography of strikes, since they contained not only the reports of local strikes, gsc malaysia but are indicative of those that have occurred elsewhere. For example, a newspaper from Newcastle-under-leash authorities announced to me that the strikes occurred in other parts of the country.
In the end I managed to set up a list of šezdesetdva city in which there were children 'strikes of September 1911th Here's the list: Ankoats, Ardvik, gsc malaysia Aston-under-leash, Aberdeen, Erdre, Hereford, Birkenhed, Barou, Birmingham, Barns, Blackburn, Bristol, Barton-on-Trent, Blit, Koeta, Coventry, Kolčester, Clyde Benk, Dublin, Deroja, Darlington, Dumbarton, Dunbar, Folkston, Grinok, Halifaks, Hartlpul, Hal, come on, Leeds, Lajt, Lane, London, Montroz, Manchester, Galašijels, Nottingham, Glasgov, Gul, Grant, Grimsby, Miles, Pleting, Northempton, Newcastle, Gejtshed, Middlesbrough, Oldham, landscape, Piterbro, Portsmouth, gsc malaysia Rankorn, Sheffield, Kirkaldi, Stokport, Stokton, Sanderland, Sauthempton, Liverpool, strokes-on-Trent, Vest, Lajkester, York.
Some of these reports speak of hundreds of children to parade gsc malaysia through the streets, and in Dand and Hal thousands of students came into conflict with the school authorities, but it was not possible to give an exact number of children who have left their classrooms. List m

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